I wish you a glorious Earth Day... and invite you to make every day "Earth Day" - she provides us with everything we have! ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
When you think you’ve seen it all… look again!…
It's so easy to overlook things in our environment that we get used to seeing. We might see the same species of birds, mammals or trees and not really notice them anymore since they're no longer a novelty... I tend to do that in urban areas, but when I'm out in Nature, I always see things with wonder - as if seeing them for the first time. Even if I've seen Chickadees, Oaks, Clover, the Moon, the Sunset, or Stars thousands of times, I still delight in every one I see. Having this … [Read more...]
We all count, more than we can imagine!…
Mushrooms and other fungi are greatly undervalued for the highly significant roles they play in our environment... They keep our forests healthy by decomposing dead matter and recycle them into usable nutrients for other life-forms like the trees, plants, etc. Plants like the beautiful orchids would not even exist without special species of fungi that they evolved with. No matter what role we play in our world, when we are at our best, and use our unique qualities, talents and gifts, … [Read more...]
The Spirit of Whirlwinds!... I've been seeing so many whirlwinds lately, outdoors and in my sleep dreams as well... and I've never seen snow whirlwinds until this Winter either!... They have a very special significance to me that I share on my website, and will share here...From my heart I share this personal story with you, so you may be inspired by how incredibly Divine and beautiful our world truly is. It is so much more expansive and multi-dimensional than we can imagine. When we're in … [Read more...]
After a very powerful Equinox, the course of my path is now taking me into the greater unknown (!)... which I'm so ready for! That said, I might not be able to post a "Miracle of the Day" as I have been for a set amount of consecutive days, so... I'm changing it up a bit to flow more naturally with my journey... I will post them as life allows me to... and hope you'll continue to enjoy them!... And so today's featured miracle involves sacred places on our beloved Mother Earth!... There … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 32 of 33)
I find tree bark so beautiful and fascinating... When we think about how each tree started out as a seed... then a sapling with a smooth stem... and eventually a hardy tree with a trunk covered in its own unique bark pattern... so miraculous! Every tree's bark is like its own fingerprint - complete with their own decorative and colourful lichens and mosses... and sometimes fungus as well. Some might even show signs of being scratched by bear claws or deer antlers, or being scorched by … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 31 of 33)
Nature always has new things for us to discover - EVERY... SINGLE... DAY!... and it's soooo WONDERFUL! This evening on my sunset hike, I encountered the most unusual branch ornament I've ever seen!... On this one little tree, and only on this one branch... a unique and perfect icicle hangs like a crystal shining in the sunlight... wow! There were no other icicles on the nearby trees - just this one, near one of the snowbound trails... A delight to encounter this mysterious water … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 30 of 33)
I'm continuously amazed by the ever-changing weather... Here in central Canada, we can experience all 4 seasons in one day or within a 100 square mile!... especially when we approach the transitional periods between the seasons around the Equinoxes, as we are now... What fascinates me about the weather is how much it responds to our emotions - it makes perfect sense when we think of life in terms of energy (we're all energy). This is beautifully talked about in one of my favourite books … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 27 of 33)
I spent some time outside tonight since it's a clear, calm night with no visible Moon, so the sky is absolutely brilliant with stars, constellations and planets!... It's quite humbling to take a moment and know that we have the incredible privilege of being here on Earth as we travel together in this infinite space... to recognize how far each twinkling light in the sky really is from us, surrounding us... In Winter here, Orion is very prominent in the sky, along with many other well … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 26 of 33)
The gorgeous, diverse crystals and stones of Mother Earth!... I've always been captivated by stones and crystals - especially those that shimmer rainbows (of course!)... The mineral kingdom offers us so much, each member having its own unique properties and beauty. Some grow to impressive sizes deep in underground caves - simply incredible to behold! The one I'm wearing in this photo is my very own Rainbow Moonstone - it flashes so much inner fire, it's exquisite! The best part is that I … [Read more...]