Enchanted places of our Mother Earth... There are certain areas that we discover that just feel so magickal and the presence of the Elementals is so tangible, we feel as though we've stepped through a veil and we're right there, in the realm of Nature's guardians... These are very special places and I always feel privileged to come upon such locations... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
The beauty of our sacred work, regardless what it is... When we contribute to our world from our true essence, everything we do is priceless, more than we can imagine... It's different for each of us, and it's all invaluable. The vulture... I know that many cringe at the sight or thought of this raptor, associating it with death and less than appealing eating habits. However, for many Native American tribes, this large bird is called a "peace eagle". They refer to it as a peace … [Read more...]
The profound energies of desert landscapes... While we all resonate differently to certain landscapes which can also change at different times in our lives, each landscape has its own specific energy that it emanates. I have yet to discover a landscape that energizes me more than the one of Sedona in Arizona. The desert environment with cacti and junipers, combined with the surrounding stone formations exudes and radiates such a profound energy. All deserts are highly purifying and … [Read more...]
Fascinatingly rare and 'weird' wonders of our world... While admiring multiple varieties of mushrooms in a particular trail, I was amazed to discover that an entire patch of the bordering forest was sheltering the most unusal flowers I have ever seen or heard of yet - at first glance they looked like mushrooms (since I saw the white ones first). Known as the "ghost plant" or "Indian pipe", it has no need for light to grow - it has no chlorophyll. It behaves like a mushroom, yet it's a … [Read more...]
Nourishment for the body, mind and spirit... Foods that grow from Nature in their natural habitat have a very special vibrancy and nutrition uncomparable with other foods. When we're fortunate enough to have access to them, they become a ceremony of love and appreciation for so many - Mother Earth and Father Sky, the Elements, the environment, our bodies... When we connect with the environment and All who helped to grow this food, that in itself nourishes our mind, body and spirit (and we … [Read more...]
The gloriously majestic beings we know as Mountains... I'm always left in absolute awe in the presence of mountains, whether on ground level or above in the sky... They command such a strong presence with powerful energies. Every range or group has its own energy and many mountains also display powerfully unique energy of their own as individuals. They bridge Earth and Sky, the mundane and the spiritual, in magnificent ways. They facilitate the communion with the realm of Spirit and all … [Read more...]
Storms... the dance of multiple Elements co-creates massive energy... I've always found Storms intensely beautiful. They're the epitome of many coming together to create a powerful result with purpose. The power of a Storm is immense. Imagine if we all came together with an intention to co-create a world that benefits everyone... our energy, multiplied, effects change when it is focused. It cannot be deviated. It's like lightning in its radiance and precision. When we all realize … [Read more...]
The alchemical fires within and without... For ages, fire has been symbolic of inner purification, transformation, creative and sexual energies, passion and spiritual light. It's our life-force energy, as flames of one fire. It maintains our bodies, minds and spirits on all levels. In Nature it is a catalyst for rebirth, burning away what needs to be replaced with new, vibrant life. Some of the largest trees in the world have evolved with fire so that their bark can withstand the heat of … [Read more...]
Nature abounds with miracles of all forms (and some are formless!)... All we need to do is look around us, and miracles surround us! ... I'm featuring a photo I took of a beautiful monarch butterfly within its chrysalis. It's the mature stage which is why we can see the butterfly, perfectly formed, through its casing that is now clear instead of opaque green. Soon it will emerge and fly as a graceful butterfly!... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]