Our minds have many abilities that can either empower us or keep us distracted from experiencing our full potential and how extraordinary life really is. With awareness, we’re able to recognize how our minds benefit our unique paths and know when we can trust them, no matter how bizarre it might seem. The following personal story demonstrates the vast power of our minds in everyday life, governed by the sacred element of Air… One night, in May of 2007, I had one of … [Read more...]
Life in Divine alliance is SO amazing beyond what we can ever imagine!
You just never know what truly incredible journey will unfold or what pure magick will manifest, when you receive Higher guidance in some way, and choose to trust it wholeheartedly—no matter how unusual it may be or how long the journey may take. Aside from trust, it can require a lot of courage, faith, patience and perseverance. However, trusting in your supportive divine allies (the Divine and divinity of life: Spirit, Nature and Humanity—including your own) will reveal phenomenal, … [Read more...]
Honouring a spirit guide: Bald Eagle (a personal story)…
While our greatest allies are our own sacred hearts, there's something so special about experiencing alliances with others from a place of love, with a shared vision. As human beings, we have an ancient alliance with the beings of Nature from all kingdoms. These beings can choose to work with us from a spirit level at different times in our life and are invaluable allies in all areas of life. I've been aware of my own Spirit Guides for years, and some have entered my life in more dramatic … [Read more...]
WIND teaches: Living YOUR Truth Transforms [video]…
Living your truth is your birthright. Each one of us, while part of the greater whole, is also an individual with a unique gift to contribute to this world in the form of our truth. Your truth includes your divine essence, what you stand for, your beliefs, your non-negotiable values and your morals. When you clearly know your truth, it influences your choices, intentions and actions. When you do so from a heart-centered space, it's more powerful than you can imagine. Many institutions, … [Read more...]
BUTTERFLY teaches: Chaos has a Sacred Purpose [video]…
In general, chaos is seen as something that destroys rather than something that creates. It's viewed as something synonymous to negative rather than positive. Chaos in the way that I define it in this blog post and video, is any experience that challenges you through an unexpected or difficult change of routine, lifestyle, home, relationship, identity, security, etc. It requires that you stretch beyond what feels familiar and comfortable to you. I don't know … [Read more...]
OWLS teach: Silence is a Priceless Gift [video]…
What's your relationship with silence? Do you enjoy it and invite it into your life, or do you avoid it for it doesn't make you feel good in some way? Your relationship with silence can reflect back to you your relationship with yourself and the mystical. For many, complete silence also means "not doing anything" and that equates to "a waste of time". Silence is actually an invaluable gift. It's a gift that also gets buried under the long lists of things to do, in a world where so … [Read more...]
SQUIRRELS teach: Fearlessness is a Superpower… [video]…
Have you ever wondered how different life would be for you if you didn't have certain fears? Most people have experienced a form of fear at some point in their life, for fears are very sneaky. As our most primal emotion, fear shows up in so many disguises, to protect us from the unknown where possible "dangers" might be lurking. They show up as worries, doubts, resistance, stories, anger, beliefs, competitiveness, anxiety, possessiveness, addictions, criticism, judgement, obsessions, … [Read more...]
BLOSSOMS teach: “Law of Attraction” is Simple [video]…
While the concept of the "law of attraction" has been around for some time in written and spoken words, Nature has been teaching us this for as long as it has existed. It's definitely not a secret and it's not complicated. By being with and observing Nature, we can learn absolutely everything we need on our paths of life. A divine creation purely linked with Spirit, like our sacred hearts, Nature reveals all the answers our human minds might wonder … [Read more...]
There’s always a surprise gift beyond the perspective “box”…
There's always so much more to what we perceive... Have you ever been surprised by something, someone, or a situation that turned out to be so different than what you initially perceived them to be? I recently encountered two reminders of why having a sense of wonder, curiosity and an ability to look outside our perspective "box" is so important AND beneficial for us, in all life situations. My first reminder was a light-hearted and simple experience. I was silently hiking on a … [Read more...]