Our minds have many abilities that can either empower us or keep us distracted from experiencing our full potential and how extraordinary life really is. With awareness, we’re able to recognize how our minds benefit our unique paths and know when we can trust them, no matter how bizarre it might seem. The following personal story demonstrates the vast power of our minds in everyday life, governed by the sacred element of Air… One night, in May of 2007, I had one of … [Read more...]
Life in Divine alliance is SO amazing beyond what we can ever imagine!
You just never know what truly incredible journey will unfold or what pure magick will manifest, when you receive Higher guidance in some way, and choose to trust it wholeheartedly—no matter how unusual it may be or how long the journey may take. Aside from trust, it can require a lot of courage, faith, patience and perseverance. However, trusting in your supportive divine allies (the Divine and divinity of life: Spirit, Nature and Humanity—including your own) will reveal phenomenal, … [Read more...]
Honouring a spirit guide: Bald Eagle (a personal story)…
While our greatest allies are our own sacred hearts, there's something so special about experiencing alliances with others from a place of love, with a shared vision. As human beings, we have an ancient alliance with the beings of Nature from all kingdoms. These beings can choose to work with us from a spirit level at different times in our life and are invaluable allies in all areas of life. I've been aware of my own Spirit Guides for years, and some have entered my life in more dramatic … [Read more...]
SUNLIGHT teaches: Miraculous is our Love-Light [video]…
You're more like the sun than you might realize!... Have you ever heard about how plants do so much better when you show them affectionate attention and loving appreciation in various ways? Have you ever wondered why that is, or considered that perhaps they respond to love the way they respond to sunlight? Now that there's visible sunlight all day and night here in Alaska, I recently enjoyed a beautiful sunset at the shore of the Knik Arm water channel that flows by Anchorage. As I watched … [Read more...]
NATURE teaches: Personal Filters are Limiting [video]…
Whether you're conscious of it or not, you have personal filters that are unique to you, and dictate how you perceive everything in life. No one else experiences life the way you do. Our personal filters are most apparent when we interact with other people - especially in a group where we've experienced something together, and when we discuss it afterwards, we each have different details that stood out for us. Our filters make certain things prominent for us in an experience, while other … [Read more...]
PINECONES teach: Powerful Truth of our Desires [video]…
As human beings we have the ability to look back on our life experiences. This can be such a gift when we do so with awareness, for we're able to discover patterns, "connect the dots" and see things from a greater perspective. We can see how much we've personally transformed, evolved, and experienced. It can also assist us in living more consciously in the present moment... When we see the impact that every decision we've made, has had on the rest of our lives, we also become aware of how … [Read more...]
Our divine gift of sacred co-creation with Nature & Spirit…
Have you ever experienced desiring something from your heart and you received exactly what you desired (or something even better)? Or have you ever had a sudden inquiry in your mind about something and the answer showed up for you in an unexpected way shortly after? Or have you ever wondered about a decision you needed to make and you received a clear form of guidance that felt divinely timed or orchestrated? This is something that I used to experience sporadically in my younger years and it … [Read more...]
Your love is sooo contagious, it will surprise you!…
If you desire to live in a world that is governed by love-centered hearts instead of the opposite, but you feel discouraged by what you see or experience and wonder how any one person, like you, can possibly make a difference, this post is for you! From environments to governments, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless when we look at the issues plaguing our world at this time. However, each one of us holds the key to transforming this world into what we desire it to be. That … [Read more...]