The immense power of our hearts' energy is divinely infinite with potential! Each of us have within us, the key to this beneficial, transformational power! I really missed recording Sacred Earth Connection videos this past (long) winter in Alaska, and then suddenly, "just like that", I received the opportunity and inspiration to do so while hiking in Nature two weeks ago (the evening before the New Moon). My surprise encounter with a big bull Moose was pure magick! The following … [Read more...]
11 Ways to Not take *Nature* for granted…
I was inspired to focus on this, for even the most conscious, aware, loving and appreciative person can take things for granted, without even knowing it! I became acutely aware of this when I lived in Costa Rica for 3 months in 2002, as a sea turtle restoration project volunteer intern! I was there during the sea turtle nesting season, which also meant the rainy season. I've always loved hot and humid weather, however... I'd never lived where it was permanently 100% humidity all the time, … [Read more...]
Heart sharings & wishes for you, for 2017 & beyond…
This is a time of the natural cycle (Winter in the north), when I withdraw more within like Nature, while continuing to beam love and light in less visible ways, as I'm called to. I've also been in the divinely guided flow of writing book 2 of "Sacred Possibilities". 2016 has been quite a year, to say the least, and it was after all, a year of completion - on so many levels, in so many ways... Along with countless other departed souls this year, just a few days before the Winter Solstice, one … [Read more...]
CHICKADEES teach: Superpower of Light-Heartedness… [video]…
As human beings, it seems to be second nature to notice and focus on the negative (a survival mechanism perhaps?). But ultimately, it's focusing on the opposite frequency that does the greatest good, on so many levels - some aren't even perceivable! So my video's endearing guest flew in to share an important teaching about the power of "joy bursts", especially useful for those who tend to become overwhelmed by the negative in any form or if you've fallen into a "rut" … [Read more...]
CONTORTED TREES teach: Profound Truths about Self-Love [video]…
If you feel resistance to loving yourself, or feel anything (even slightly) negative about the thought of "self-love", or there's some part of you that you don't love, then this video is especially for you! Every time I've walked in Nature trails in numerous countries and various landscapes, I've encountered at least one tree that fits the description of my featured guest in this video. I also showcase many of them at the end of the video, all encountered on just one … [Read more...]
6-LEAF CLOVER teaches: Dream Bigger Than Big! [video]…
As the sacred union between limitless Spirit and miraculous Nature, we, as human beings, are meant to experience the magnificent, the magickal, the miraculous - everything that defies logic, every day in our everyday life! It's living life in alignment with our divine, true nature. One of my favourite quotes, by Elbert Hubbard, beautifully expresses this: "The supernatural is the natural not yet understood.". It's so true! The more light-hearted and playful we are about our desires, the … [Read more...]
DANDELIONS teach: Live Empowered, not Suppressed… [video]…
If there's any part of you that you don't express, since it's different (would make you stand out) and might trigger judgement, criticism or other forms of disapproval, may this video inspire and empower you... Suppression has unfortunately been a part of life ever since certain individuals decided that it was best to control the behavior of societies, based on what they personally deemed to be "normal", "acceptable" and "proper" conduct. Suppression has infiltrated our way of life throughout … [Read more...]
Live and Love with ALL your Heart – the power is within you!…
We live in a wonderous world created from divine love... This light and love filled photograph was taken at Bodega Bay, California last month. Four sacred elements are present in glorious forms: Wind (AIR), radiant sunlight (FIRE), powerful waves of the Pacific Ocean (WATER), dramatic stone formation and warm sand (EARTH)! Sitting on the warm sand, bare feet happily buried in its softness, I faced the ocean and sun, smiling from the inside out… I felt deeply nurtured by … [Read more...]
Magick unfolds when we’re open to receiving!…
Nature and Spirit continue to reveal this world’s wonders to me in the most surprising, delightful ways!... I recently received an incredible gift, totally “out of the blue” that launched me on an adventure, and it was the type of manifestation that always feels like there’s sooo much more to it than “meets the eye”! Michael and I have been feeling called to California, but it’s a huge state, so I simply opened myself to guidance about where we might be called to “land”, when it’s time. On … [Read more...]