Have you ever wondered how different life would be for you if you didn’t have certain fears?
Most people have experienced a form of fear at some point in their life, for fears are very sneaky.
As our most primal emotion, fear shows up in so many disguises, to protect us from the unknown where possible “dangers” might be lurking.
They show up as worries, doubts, resistance, stories, anger, beliefs, competitiveness, anxiety, possessiveness, addictions, criticism, judgement, obsessions, insecurities, panic, etc.
Many people, at some point in their life, have also experienced what it’s like to do something fearlessly.
You might not remember it, but Squirrel and I have a special invitation for you to harness that inner power of yours.
I’ve done many things myself, throughout my life, that many have considered extraordinary, since I did them on my own (without another human), including travelling in Canada, USA and different countries of Europe and Central America; driving over 4,500 km from southeastern Manitoba (Canada) to Anchorage in Alaska (USA); saving a man from drowning in the ocean off the coast of Costa Rica; leaving everything that was familiar to me (including family, friends, home town and province of MB) at 18 years of age to go study on the east coast of Canada in NB; danced in thunderstorms; drove in snowstorms; confronted bullies at school and in the corporate world; etc… even a very innocent example that I share in my video.
With each one of these things, I didn’t even consider that what I was doing was extraordinary to others. I had an inner force flowing through me, that also flows through you.
Every person has their own perception of what fearlessness looks and feels like, based on their own individuality.
Squirrels are very small animals, and they are also masterful at fearlessness!
I’ve had the pleasure of knowing many wild individuals and families, especially when I’ve lived in natural environments of rural areas.
What they teach us by example is a wonderful reminder and lesson to empower us.
That’s why Squirrel is my featured guest in this video.
What was also endearing is that twice during the recording of the video, a red squirrel suddenly chattered from the forest, as if to emphasize what I was saying at that specific time. It was priceless!
I also learned that according to online resources, squirrels inhabit all continents except for Australia and Antarctica! So as a little mammal of the forest and urban trees, it’s a well known animal.
May Squirrel empower you and bring a smile to your heart.
Two individuals made guest appearances at the end of the video, so if you’re not familiar with the squirrel, you’ll be introduced today. :))
Thank you for watching!
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With great love and wonder-filled spirit,
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