
New Moon Solstice: celebrating (y/our) *L*I*G*H*T*!

What a very special Solstice this is, synchronized with the New Moon! 🙂

Depending on which hemisphere you live in, you’ll be welcoming the Winter or Summer season. Here in Alaska, the Winter Solstice officially occurs at 2:03pm and the New Moon is at 4:36pm, both on Sunday, Dec.21st (you can convert it to your own time zone here).


Stonehenge sunset


The Winter Solstice, also traditionally known as “Yule”, has been celebrated for thousands of years, especially in the northern hemisphere where daylight has been decreasing since the Summer Solstice. It marks the longest night of the year. Daylight will now begin to increase every day thereafter.

This was always a cause for great celebration in the past, welcoming the return of the light, as our ancestors clearly understood their dependence on sunlight to survive. I’ve been experiencing the shortest period of daylight than in any place I’ve lived before, so I appreciate this traditional celebration on an even deeper level now. It is the festival richest in remembered tradition and ritual, and many of these still survive in the holy celebrations around this time – including decorating with lights and candles.


Manitoba sun


The Summer Solstice, also traditionally known as “Litha”, has been celebrated with fire as well, featuring hilltop bonfires in many cultures. It is the longest period of daylight of the year when the sun shines at its peak in the sky. It forms the largest arch of its annual cycle before the daylight begins to recede every day thereafter.

Both Solstices serve as cosmic doorways and facilitate a higher perception of nonphysical realms and beings, including those of the Angelic and Elemental. Dreams can have a greater ability to transmit messages from those realms. Spending time in Nature can enhance that higher perception and reveal messages to you about your unique path.


Alaska sun


As the Solstices arrive at the dawn of a new year, I invite you to reflect on all your personal successes since the last Solstice (and don’t limit yourself to the physically tangible – you’re so much more than that).

For example, did you gain wisdom from experience, did you learn to trust your inner guidance, did you acquire more or deeper heart connections, did you love more fearlessly, or did you step out of your comfort zone.

By taking some time to reflect and write everything down, including the “little” significant things, you just might surprise yourself! It’s easy to lose sight when we’re “wired” to look forward. It’s good to pause at this time and look back.

Once you’ve written your accomplishments, I would love for you to celebrate yourself and your list in a way that feels very special to you.

It can be as simple as lighting a candle and acknowledging it all with gratitude within your heart, free of judgement… or it can be more elaborate like treating yourself to something you love or truly enjoy (ex. your favourite meal, flower(s), beverage or indoor/outdoor activity).

Once you’ve taken the time to fully acknowledge your list and yourself, then you’ll be in an empowered personal space to tune in to your heart desires for the coming year. You’ll also be able to review what you might not have accomplished, with a new perspective, and decide to either release it or go for it in the new year. 


Celebrating sacred *L*I*G*H*T*, yours included… 

As a way to celebrate this Solstice with you in appreciation, I’m sharing some of my personal images of the Sun… The ones above were taken on a New Moon within Stonehenge (England) in 2009, beneath a summer sky in Manitoba (Canada) in 2011, and through an enchanted Alaskan forest (USA) this past summer 2014. 


Ontario sunset


This sun’s radiant rays decorating the surface of Lake of the Woods, was experienced from Galt Island (Ontario, Canada) in the summer of 2010.


Arizona sun


This brilliant sunlight with orbs and energies was captured within a Navajo canyon in northern Arizona (USA) in 2012.


Hawaii sun


This shimmering, golden sunset over the Pacific Ocean was experienced from the big island of Hawai’i (USA), in 2013.


Manitoba sunset


This setting sun’s beautiful rainbow-coloured halo was seen above a forest near Lake Manitoba, (Manitoba, Canada) in the winter of 2011.


Ontario sunrise


This glorious sunrise was experienced by kayak early morning on a misty Royal Lake in Ontario (Canada) in the summer of 2013.

The magnificent Sun reminds us of our own pure essences which are radiant, divine light (love!). I always smile when I see a post on Facebook that shows up every now and then and states “I found a very, very old picture of you.” and the image is of a shining star. The more we shine our true selves by letting go of our masks, false identities, limiting self-beliefs, fears, etc., the more we give others the courage to do the same. This benefits our world in countless ways.

On December 21st, exactly 4 years ago, Spirit initiated me in a profound way, which I describe in my book (it’s now part of Amazon’s free preview – definitely not  something I had anticipated!). I will be celebrating this special Solstice with my dear Michael and Alaskan friends at a wonderful medicine wheel drumming ceremony in rural Palmer, Alaska. Perhaps we’ll also receive the gift of seeing the dancing aurora lights above us on this longest night of the year. I will celebrate the divine love and light that shines in our world and makes all things possible. I thank you for yours. How will you celebrate the Solstice?


AK Sun shortly before 3pm


I took this photograph from our wedding cliff, featuring the sun just before 3pm a week ago. It’s barely visible above the mountains at this time of the year.

This was an excerpt from my e-newsletter, published every New Moon. This is a powerful New Moon, synchronized with the Solstice, and I want to celebrate it by sharing this special newsletter with you. If you enjoyed it, sign up to receive more inspiration by going HERE.

Abundant blessings to you and your loved ones, during this holiday season and beyond.

I wish you a magickal Solstice and empowering New Moon! 


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

Signature lucille

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