
Magick unfolds when we’re open to receiving!…

Nature and Spirit continue to reveal this world’s wonders to me in the most surprising, delightful ways!…

I recently received an incredible gift, totally “out of the blue” that launched me on an adventure, and it was the type of manifestation that always feels like there’s sooo much more to it than “meets the eye”!

Michael and I have been feeling called to California, but it’s a huge state, so I simply opened myself to guidance about where we might be called to “land”, when it’s time. On the New Moon of February, I was strongly guided to accompany him at a meeting with a husband and wife team who wanted him to design her new website (something I’d never done before). Well, it quickly became obvious that we’re soul sisters! Very unexpected and wonderful, as only Spirit can orchestrate!

Then the big surprise… Only two weeks later, she invited me to spend time with her in March at their vacation home in northern California, nestled near a forest of redwoods in a place I’d never heard of before! Wow. I had received clear messages in Nature the day before, to notify me of an upcoming delightful surprise, and to be open to receiving it (I recorded a video about it regarding messages in Nature). I felt SO blessed, for countless reasons…!

Cali vineyard wine tasting

I returned to Alaska on March 25, after 11 blissful days in Sonoma County, California, amazed by all that I experienced in Occidental and surrounding area. Oh my, what wonders I discovered that I had NO idea existed in this part of California! No wonder I was nudged to come here! 

The energy of this area is truly beautiful and has attracted people that are very much on the same wavelength as me and my dear soul sister Amber who invited me to her Occidental home – free spirits of conscious awareness that care about our natural environments and wildlife, the arts, and all that is sacred. Every person I met was joyful and wide open in mind and heart, contributing to this world’s lovelight. Every encounter was pure beautiful magick!

Cali coast

I feel so blessed beyond words, and to have experienced it in all its glorious splendour – the recent rains made the landscape look like Ireland with its emerald green rolling hills, dotted with peacefully content grazing cows, goats, sheep and horses.

I loved seeing the gracefully soaring vultures, hearing the shrill screams of the red-tailed hawks and the continuous symphony of countless species of birds, that honestly reminded me of Costa Rica and Hawaii!

I was delightfully completely surprised by the varieties of thriving cactus and palm trees growing in the area alongside native plants and trees – I had not expected that, north of San Francisco! Each one I saw burst me with joyful wonder – as did the tiny lizards that I so love!

Cali lizard

The powerful surf of the Pacific Ocean at Bodega Bay and the majestic redwoods at Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve near Guerneville, infused every cell of my body with bliss!

The first night we arrived on the 15th, I saw a giant falling star in the sky above the house, surrounded by the chorus of singing frogs!

I was so impressed to see that every unique, family owned restaurant I was introduced to, proudly states on their menu that they use the most sustainably, organic and locally grown and produced foods.

Cali Redwoods 4

The beautiful and exquisite “Osmosis Day Spa Sanctuary” I was treated to in Freestone for my birthday, is a leader in its industry for eco-consciousness and organic products to promote true well-being (you can read their history and values on their website – very impressive and so aligned with my own work through Sacred Earth Connection, I highly recommend them!).

The unique art, gift and second-hand stores we visited in Occidental, Sebastopol and other towns, were absolute fun and a joy to connect with the owners. When I really love something, I wear/use it until it starts to fall apart, and I was in need of a new shoulder bag, so I was overjoyed to discover one that is so uniquely me in a second-hand store, for the same price I’d paid for my previous one years ago ($49 – so meant to be)! 

Cali shoulder bag

After months of winter in beautiful Alaska, it was truly delightful to walk barefoot in warm grass and sand, to lovingly pick fresh sun-ripened lemons from a tree, to smell the abundance of blossoms, to experience a world that resonates so perfectly with my heart and spirit! While I don’t drink alcoholic beverages since I’m so sensitive to the alcohol, I did fully enjoy the fun experience of a wine tasting at one of the countless vineyards of Sonoma County. 

I’m sharing some photos with you that highlight a bit of this magickal experience so you can receive its divine energy and see some of the treasures too! You’ll see the majestic redwoods (cousins of the giant sequoias whom I met in 2014 with my husband Michael), including a Nature heart we received on a mushroom after playing my singing bowl to the forest and Elementals and picking up litter, the powerful surf and sunset at Bodega Bay, Amber and I at the wine tasting, my new “Nature” shoulder bag, a little sunning lizard, and a bit of the landscape.

Cali Redwoods 7

This area is definitely another gem of our beautiful world, and I feel grateful beyond words to everyone who conspired to gift me this incredible, unexpected experience (including Spirit, Amber, our loving supportive husbands Michael and Jim, and Nature). 

It’s only when I arrived there that I realized I hadn’t taken a complete rejuvenating break like this since I was in California with Michael exactly 2 years ago, so I was due! Spirit always knows what we require to be our best and will conspire on our behalf if we allow it and are open to receiving.

We even experienced a surprise extra day there since our flight was delayed out of Santa Rosa and it would have required us to spend the night in Seattle – it was so obviously divinely orchestrated for what we experienced in that extra day… everything has a purpose, and since Amber and I both “go with the flow”, our delay unleashed more magick! 

Cali Redwoods 6

We were originally scheduled to leave for Alaska on Thursday afternoon. When we arrived at the airport, we were notified that our flight out of Santa Rosa was delayed, which would cause us to miss our connection in Seattle, which in turn would require us to spend the night there, as no other flights were available that evening to Alaska (thanks to Spring Break and Easter holidays).

Upon hearing this, Amber promptly decided to change our tickets to the next day so we could spend another night at her house instead of Seattle (which I fully agreed with)! Interestingly, I had included Friday in my “away” notifications on my website and at BirdTLC where I volunteer – just something I’d felt nudged to do. The airline clerk greatly appreciated that we were so “go with the flow” instead of upset!

So we contacted the kind taxi driver who’d driven us to the airport. He was such a wonderful soul, about our own age, part Native American and also a U.S. veteran. He had overheard our conversations and it greatly intrigued him. We were all smiling wide when he came to get us again for the 25 mins. drive back to the house.

On our way back, he suddenly asked us if we were both from families of healers, to which we paused and replied no, explaining our religious upbringings. He’d had a similar experience and we ended up having such a powerful conversation about our values, beliefs, visions for our world… it was truly amazing. We felt such a kinship and that this was divinely orchestrated and guided.

There had been things we’d thought of doing during our journey there but had run out of time… well… this extra day happened to be THE perfect day to do all those things!!! It was such a gorgeous day again and we fully savoured this blessed gift of an extra day in the warmth of sunny California!

Cali Bodega Bay 2

Just when we thought things couldn’t possibly be more perfect or magickal… we experienced just that the next morning!…

For the first time during our stay in California, I suggested we eat breakfast at a quaint little restaurant Amber had mentioned, instead of eating our usual light one at the house (to fuel us for our travels). It was another unique and friendly small restaurant that prided itself in serving decadent dishes made of local, organic foods. Such a gem!

Since we had one more hour before the taxi driver came to get us, we ventured across the street to a tiny second-hand store to browse for treasures. It didn’t look open but the door was ajar, so we walked in. We were greeted by the owner who told us she wasn’t open but we could look around. Once again we had SO MUCH FUN – I felt like I did as a child in my grandparents’ attic, surrounded by all sorts of things to discover!

In our exuberance, we never questioned the fact that there was a person painting the walls of this tiny store, lol! The owner was so delighted by our energy and I found THE perfect dress to wear at Bird TLC’s biggest fundraising event the next evening (I’d wondered what to wear since I was attending as a weekly volunteer!). When it was time for us to leave with our newfound treasures, she exclaimed that we were her first sale and this was “such a good omen” for her, since she wasn’t even open yet – not just that day, but not at all, hence the renovations! She was from New York and so thrilled! She asked us if we believed that certain things “are meant to be” and kept mentioning our wonderful energy. We were overjoyed to have been part of this unexpected magickal orchestration that totally made her day!

When the same taxi driver came to get us, we had another deeply wonderful conversation on the way to the airport. As we entered the airport, it all just felt so perfect and divinely orchestrated. One of the airline clerks expressed that we looked like we’re always having fun and it inspired her. She had no idea that we had originally been scheduled to leave the previous day. And so many other encounters that make you wonder with intrigue, since they were most likely different than those we would have connected with the previous day. Who knows what ripple effects these encounters might have created to!

Cali Bodega Bay 3

Spirit is far-reaching and when we’re open in heart and mind, you just never know how just being you, might have changed someone else’s life (and your own). This was a mutual gift for so many reasons, and the beginning of more beyond what we can imagine. It’s no wonder I felt my heart and spirit quicken before I left for California – it’s always a sign of intense magick manifesting!

I shared so many wonders and magickal experiences in my first book “Sacred Possibilities“, but it really just scratches the surface of how truly amazing life is/can be… and there’s definitely more books on the way with everything I’ve experienced since Michael and I met in person 2 years ago (also in California, also in March, also a gifted trip!)… I can’t help but notice the synchronicities! My connection with this soul sister has already been so amazingly mutually insightful! That’s the wonder and beauty of soul family.

How sacred and wonderFULL it is, that we’re able to experience each other’s divinity and the divinity of life here on Mother Earth! It never ceases to awe-maze me!!!

When I shared this experience on social media and the story of the extra day’s magick in my e-newsletter, the response was so incredible, I’m including it here on my blog so that more people can enjoy and be inspired by it.


With great love and wonder-filled spirit,

Signature lucille



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