
It’s always a matter of perspective!…

We each have our own perspective, based on our personal experiences, unique bodies and way of being.

So many people get into such heated arguments about who’s right and who’s wrong, because they don’t understand that each one of us experiences life differently.

A thousand people could watch a symphony outdoors and if you asked each one about their experience, they would all be different. While the music might have captivated everyone, details about the experience would be unique to each person.

What would prominently capture one’s attention might not even have been noticed by another. Varying details would either be noticed or not, to different degrees, by each person in attendance. It doesn’t make one more “right” or “wrong” then another.

AK Perspective

During a meditation one day, I asked Spirit to clarify in a simple way, what it means to be in our physical world that is said to be an “illusion”.

While I understood the concept, I felt it needed further clarification, since what we experience is very real in the moment. For most of us, if we jump off a cliff onto rocks far below… it doesn’t matter how much we’re told that our reality is an illusion. We’ll physically damage ourselves considerably.

However, I also know from experience that nothing is impossible, that everything that exists is energy and that many people have mastered the ability to manipulate their physical reality at will, in extraordinary ways.

So I wondered what the term “illusion” means exactly,when applied to our everyday “reality”.

As I was meditating, a bird suddenly hit the bedroom window forcefully – then again and again, near me! Spirit explained that what the bird was seeing was an illusion created by the window’s reflection. It was seeing mostly sky between trees and was trying to fly through it. Regardless how much it tried, the bird kept hitting the solid window.

For us with a broader perspective, we could easily see that if the bird took a moment to look around, its perspective of the surroundings would expand and it would see that above itself and over the window was the actual sky it wanted to fly through.

If it remained fixated on the illusion it was seeing however, it could either seriously harm itself or it would not advance anywhere. Ultimately, it was its choice.

Also if I suddenly turned on the light in the room, the illusion would suddenly disappear – the bird would see inside the room instead and the window for what it was.

In this example, the window represented our physical environment, the bird represented all of us having a human experience, and Spirit and I represented all who have a higher perspective and a higher power to change things at will, instantly.

The word “illusion” isn’t the most accurate word to use regarding our physical world. Rather, our world is highly changeable and designed for us to learn particular lessons specific to each of us, through experiences.

We see exactly what we need to see at every “stage” of our personal growth through our unique perspective.

As we evolve through our experiences so does our perspective and we see and experience things differently. A simple example of this is watching a movie or reading a book. Then many years later watching or reading that same movie or book again, and it seems to be completely different! Our perspective has changed since the first time due to our experiences and we now perceive it in a different way.

It’s always a matter of perspective.

What have you experienced in the past year that has slightly or radically shifted your own perspective of the world as you knew it? 


With love and wonder-filled spirit,  

Signature lucille

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