
FLOWING CREEKS teach: Pain AND Bliss Insight [video]…

Our ability to feel love, joy, bliss, wonder and all other high frequency emotions certainly enhances our everyday human experiences.

They remind us of our vibrant, divine spirit.

However, what happens if you push away the not-so-nice feelings that cause you pain, so that you don’t have to deal with them? What if you don’t even notice that you’re doing this… how can you tell?


McHugh Creek AK


In this video, I sat with the gloriously vibrant McHugh Creek here in southern Alaska, to bring forth this flowing water’s insightful teaching about the consequences of not allowing ourselves to feel the lower frequency emotions, and how we can beneficially shift that.

It’s a very important teaching, for the effects of trying to be selective about what we feel, ends up costing us (a lot!), and we might not even realize it. It can also be very sneaky, but there’s a way to recognize it.

I invite you to now join me alongside this pure mountainous flow, and hope you can also feel McHugh Creek’s incredible energy!

Note: The rushing water was quite loud, so you might have to adjust your volume.



Thank you for watching!

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I also welcome your comments.


With great love and wonder-filled spirit,

Signature lucille



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