I’ve been spending less time on social media and more time tuning in with the energies of the winter season, observing, listening, receiving… always so empowering for me.
Nature encourages us to do this, by example.
During periods of rest, whether it’s the winter or dry seasons, or during a drought, beings like trees, plants and many animal species, direct their energies within Mother Earth, where they rest and are nurtured. Being Nature beings ourselves (not artificial machines), it’s important to honour our personal and natural rhythms.
Many of us live in an industrialized society that doesn’t encourage periods of rest (especially if you live in North America). It’s all about the “go getters” mentality, incessant do-ing do-ing do-ing, always on the brink of a mental burnout or health crisis (the wise body’s way of saying s-l-o-w down… take a “time out”!).
Nature’s way of “doing” things, which is a sacred balance between being/resting and doing/acting, is so wise.
Taking the time to be and rest, allows us to more efficiently do and act. Since we’ve replenished ourselves, we can then engage in true co-creation through heart-inspired action, as opposed to mental “should-ing” action which is based on external expectations. There’s such a big difference between the two energies – one empowers while the other one depletes.
The divinity of life supports us when we take the time to return to our more natural state of being, to tune in, to be fully present to our hearts’ divine guidance and to appreciate the miracles that surround and infuse us from Nature and Spirit.
I recently received two love hearts during times I was fully tuned in and be-ing from my heart space. Both made my heart burst with delight, love and appreciation! They felt like divine, special gifts of acknowledgement from Nature and Spirit.
The first heart was received the other night when I was journalling all the flowing inspiration I’ve been receiving from being tuned in and less “plugged in” to electronics. I happened to have my large mug of chaga tea beside me.
Long story short… the tea ended up all over my favourite lounge pants! In that instant, it really seemed like an “oooh crap!” outcome. However, when I took them off to change, the light shined through them in a way that revealed… a perfect, illuminated heart imprint on the butt area! I laughed with astonishment!
I’ve worn these white comfy pants for over four years and I’d never noticed it before. It required bright light to shine at the right angle through them, to reveal it. The imprint appears to be an imperfection in the fabric… but I saw a perfect, smile inducing, surprise gift! It made my heart overflow with joyful love and appreciation for the divinity of life!
These delightful surprises that show up when things seem unfavourable, remind us that there’s always more than meets the eye. After all, the beautiful lotus emerges from mud!
Life is a series of love experiences – it’s a matter of perspective. It continuously invites us to experience love in infinite forms and some are not always apparent.
During one of my recent Nature hikes, everything was damp due to the snow completely melting. So the scents of the soil, decaying leaves and trees filled the air with a pungence I deeply inhaled.
In my bliss, a sideways moss heart suddenly caught my gaze on the trunk of a giant cottonwood tree. I recognized it as the same heart I’d featured on social media and also feature on my website’s homepage and special webpage dedicated to Nature & Spirit “Love Hearts”.
I’d forgotten since taking that photo a year ago, where exactly this pretty heart was located. Suddenly, “out of the blue” here it was again! It felt so special to encounter it again.
However, I noticed it was missing a big chunk of moss in its middle section, splitting the heart in two. I decided to search and found its missing piece on the giant tree’s root. I gently placed it back and it fit like a puzzle piece, completing the heart. Then I offered some of my love-infused water to it. I felt a beautiful wave of pure love-energy flow through my body – appreciation from the beings of Nature, including the Elementals! It elevated my blissful state.
I got my iPhone from my pocket, to take a photo to show my husband, and saw that it was… 3:33 pm! I smiled from the inside out! For many years now, 333 has been a highly significant number for me, related to Mother Earth and my sacred work! Truly magickal in the divinely timed synchronicity!
This heart was more than a beautiful gift for showing up when I was simply being present in my heart with Spirit and one with the surrounding Nature beings. It was also a divine gift by giving me the opportunity to experience love through my own compassion and act of selfless kindness.
I found it so interesting that both hearts showed up when I was in that state of pure being-ness, fully tuned in to my heart, Spirit and Nature and “unplugged”. I also loved that one showed up in my synthetic environment while the other showed up in my natural environment.
The loving divinity of life flows through all environments and forms of creation, and always finds a way to connect with us, when we allow ourselves the time to be open and receptive.
Have you recently received an unexpected sign from the divinity of life that felt like a gift of love, sign of acknowledgement or “cosmic wink” reminding you that you’re fully supported in infinite ways?
With great love and wonder-filled spirit,
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