
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 28 of 33)

It’s always a blessing to have at least one place on Earth to call “home”…

Almost two years ago, without getting into details, the house I currently live in was an absolute miracle that was handed to me by the Universe (thanks to the Divine orchestration of incredible synchronicities and angels in human form – who became my neighbours)!… I am eternally grateful every day.

It’s a lovely 130 years old house in Nature and has a lot of soul (and quirks!).

Not one day has gone by that I haven’t fully appreciated this Divine gift… And especially this long, cold Winter – its furnace has been running almost nonstop without breaking down!… that in itself is also a miracle.

Regardless where life takes me on my journey, this house and land will always have a very special place in my heart.

To give you a sense of the spirit of this house, I’m sharing a photo of a little House Wren that took up residence with its sweet mate, both Summers I’ve been here, underneath the roof’s peak… absolutely enchanting with their cheerful songs… ♥


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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