In 2011, shortly after beginning a brand new life that was in alignment with my true essence, an opportunity to create my own frame drum presented itself – a desire I’d had for some time. I felt fully supported and guided on this new path of my journey.
During Night Eagle’s drum-making workshop, she taught our group according to her Native American tradition, as taught to her by her elders. It was exactly what I’d wished for. She told us that we might receive our own “Spirit Name”, so to pay close attention, especially to our dreams. We learned wonderful lessons as we created our drums together with a sense of community. By the end of the workshop none of us had received a “Spirit Name”, but we left with beautiful drums and new wisdom.

An unexpected gift…Two weeks later, I spent an overnight with my sister at my parents’ country home. On the Sunday morning, they all left early for various reasons, leaving me alone at the house. I had brought my drum with me to start the day with my usual morning gratitude ritual. It was a glorious sunny day, so I walked outside to a large, secluded clearing surrounded by trees.
Bare feet on the grass with the wind blowing in my hair, I drummed while expressing my loving gratitude to All. The weather was so beautiful – I just kept drumming for the sheer joy of it. After some time of doing this, I suddenly received my “Spirit Name”, intuitively hearing “dancing wind”! Since it was so unexpected and I loved the name, I wanted a confirmation. I asked Spirit for a clear sign to show up that day, letting me know without a doubt that DancingWind is in fact my “Spirit Name”.
Divinely beautiful…
I drove back shortly afterward to my new rural home, almost two hours northwest from my parents’ property. The weather was now hot with barely a breeze. I decided to take a walk with my camera to photograph Nature’s splendour. I eventually ended up at a crossroads where two gravel roads lead to all four directions. I stood there wondering why I ended up at this location, away from anything interesting to photograph…

I was shown once again just how supported we are on our journey. Life, seen and unseen, is fully aware of us – beyond what can be explained or measured. It is an expression of the Divine. When we open our hearts, fully present to experience, it responds. It’s divinely beautiful… ♥
(this online image’s source is unknown)
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