Nature inspires all areas of my life…
Throughout the past four decades, Nature has not only been my greatest teacher, but also my greatest inspiration!…
Every aspect of my life is highly influenced by Nature – my work, my clothing, how I adorn myself, how I decorate everything from journals to spaces (even inside my car), places of residence, my environment, my artistic co-creations, my relationships and connections… Nothing I do, am or have, isn’t touched by Nature in some way… I’m always wide open to receiving all the ways it desires to inspire me…
During a walk on a Nature trail in the Pine Mountain Lake area in California, I came upon gorgeous stone that was exposed from within the Earth. I was instantly so captivated by the palette of rich colours!!!… deep ochres, rusty red, burnt orange, wine purple, burgundy, deep indigo… In that moment, I knew these were the colours that will infuse a home that my Beloved and I will co-create together.
I’d love to know… how does Nature inspire YOU?… ♥
With love and wonder-filled spirit,
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