
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Winter’s germinating seeds…

It’s so amazing that winter, a season of more cold and darkness in many countries, is the season when seeds begin to wake up and germinate within the earth…

As the sun’s arch gets wider in the sky every day, the lengthening daylight stimulates the dormant seeds into awakening…

By the time spring arrives, they are ready to burst and push through the soil towards the light, to become their magnificence…

For some they’ll live an entire life cycle within four seasons, while for others, it will take years before they reach their full potential…

Like these seeds, we all have everything we require to reach our full potential… The length of time that it takes for each of us is perfectly in alignment with who we are and what we came here to do and experience… Enjoy your divinely perfect process…

(photo: Jacaranda tree blossoming on the island of Hawaii)


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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