
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Life, such a gift…

We’re so blessed to experience life in our physical bodies, here on such a magnificent planet, Mother Earth…

To experience everything through our multi-dimensional senses, beyond just our physical senses… what a gift we have here on Earth…

When I was a child, I spent as much time as I could outdoors in Nature… I loved to explore, observe, experience life with all my senses… When I couldn’t go outdoors, I would spend hours just looking at books filled with colour photographs of Nature… I couldn’t get enough of seeing all the glorious wonders of our planet from all continents and oceans…

Every stone, river, tree, snowflake, flower, lake, seashell, animal, feather, fruit, sunrise, thunderstorm, crystal, sunset, rainbow, waterfall, coral, mushroom, mountain, cave, lake, human, texture, colour, flavour, scent, bird song, etc… is such a celebration of life…

When we retain our childhood wonder and experience life every day as though for the first time… we open up to the immense beauty and wonders that life here on Earth offers to us… ♥


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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