
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Interactive energy fields in the holiday season…

Since we’re seemingly physical beings in our solid bodies and environments, it’s easy to forget that we’re actually energy beings, on all levels…

Our bodies are all energy, even though they feel solid, and our thoughts, emotions and words are energy… Our personal fields of energy also expand far beyond our physical bodies…

What does this mean for us?…

At every given moment, our energy is interacting with everyone else’s, and even more directly with those who enter our energy fields – natural as well as mechanically produced energies. Whether we’re aware of it or not, we’re in a continuous dance of energy with each other… sharing, exchanging, attracting, repelling…

When we have this awareness, we’re better able to discern what feels like our personal energy or someone else’s… and whether it benefits us and others, or not.

During the holiday season and in freezing winter weather also, people tend to be around a lot more people than usual and spend more time inside artificial environments. This can feel draining at times.

One of the easiest ways to balance the indoor and crowd-related activities is to simply spend some time in Nature or even just with a large tree (their immense energy fields work wonders!).

Nature benefits our bodies on all levels, assisting with restoring their natural balance. Whenever we start feeling a little frazzled, taking a “time out” to spend time in a natural environment will bring us back to a state of greater well-being.

Think of it as an invaluable, personal investment that every aspect of you will highly benefit from – and it doesn’t cost a thing! It’s even more beneficial for us as well as Nature, when expressing loving appreciation to Nature while spending time in it, for this immense gift it provides us!… ♥


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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