
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Artists of Nature…

With the trees being bare of leaves, the birds’ nests that were built in the spring and summer are now clearly visible. During my Nature hike today I noticed this beautifully woven nest hanging 40 feet above me in a tree (most likely the intricate work of a Baltimore Oriole). As I admired it, I was reminded of all the incredible artists of our natural world… to name a few…

So many birds are expert weavers for their nests to withstand the weather’s elements… they’re durable and flexible… some even deliberately decorate their nests with shiny objects or colourful yarn and lichen to make them visually appealing…

Beavers are skillful engineers with their dams and huts… they build them so strongly and perfectly to maintain certain water levels, that people are required to use dynamite to remove them!…

Bees and wasps are incredible architects, creating perfect nests for their colonies using the sacred geometry of the hexagon shape to create their cells to contain food and as a nursery…

Spiders are master spinners and create the most intricate yet strong webs of fine designs and patterns that glisten in the sun when covered in dew, yet are also effective at capturing prey…

It’s effortless to be inspired by Nature…


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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