
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Sacred observations…

When we take a pause of the continuous doing of life, and simply observe with wonder, curiosity and openness, we receive the wealth of reminders that Nature conveys to us…

Taking this photograph for example, imagine yourself in that beautiful space… The breeze is caressing you and playing with your hair… The sun is kissing your skin… The air is scented with sunshine and ocean salt… The waves are rolling in and out as a sea turtle basks in the sunshine… The sand is warm beneath your feet…

In this moment, Nature reminds us to…

Savour this moment as a gift… Breathe (deeply)… Balance doing with being… Honour your personal rhythms… Everything ebbs and flows continuously… Life is miraculous and beautiful when we choose to see and experience it… We embody all the Sacred Elements of air, fire, water, earth and storm (the combination of all)… in us flows the air like the wind, within us we feel the heat like the sun, through us flows the salty waters like the ocean, and our physical bodies are created with the same substances of the sand, stones and earth… We are one… ♥


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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