Nature always has new things for us to discover - EVERY... SINGLE... DAY!... and it's soooo WONDERFUL! This evening on my sunset hike, I encountered the most unusual branch ornament I've ever seen!... On this one little tree, and only on this one branch... a unique and perfect icicle hangs like a crystal shining in the sunlight... wow! There were no other icicles on the nearby trees - just this one, near one of the snowbound trails... A delight to encounter this mysterious water … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2013
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 30 of 33)
I'm continuously amazed by the ever-changing weather... Here in central Canada, we can experience all 4 seasons in one day or within a 100 square mile!... especially when we approach the transitional periods between the seasons around the Equinoxes, as we are now... What fascinates me about the weather is how much it responds to our emotions - it makes perfect sense when we think of life in terms of energy (we're all energy). This is beautifully talked about in one of my favourite books … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 29 of 33)
40 years ago, late evening on this day, my Mom gave birth to a tiny 6lbs. 11oz. healthy baby girl!... I was raised by dear, creative, Nature-loving parents on a farm with a diversity of happy animals (even a peacock), 3 younger siblings and my loving paternal grandparents as neighbours - all this and surrounded by Nature!... wildlife, fields, wildflowers, ponds in wet seasons, forest, a river...! I learned SO MUCH about life and love, being brought up that way, and I feel truly BLESSED. As … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 28 of 33)
It's always a blessing to have at least one place on Earth to call "home"... Almost two years ago, without getting into details, the house I currently live in was an absolute miracle that was handed to me by the Universe (thanks to the Divine orchestration of incredible synchronicities and angels in human form - who became my neighbours)!... I am eternally grateful every day. It's a lovely 130 years old house in Nature and has a lot of soul (and quirks!). Not one day has gone by that I … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 27 of 33)
I spent some time outside tonight since it's a clear, calm night with no visible Moon, so the sky is absolutely brilliant with stars, constellations and planets!... It's quite humbling to take a moment and know that we have the incredible privilege of being here on Earth as we travel together in this infinite space... to recognize how far each twinkling light in the sky really is from us, surrounding us... In Winter here, Orion is very prominent in the sky, along with many other well … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 26 of 33)
The gorgeous, diverse crystals and stones of Mother Earth!... I've always been captivated by stones and crystals - especially those that shimmer rainbows (of course!)... The mineral kingdom offers us so much, each member having its own unique properties and beauty. Some grow to impressive sizes deep in underground caves - simply incredible to behold! The one I'm wearing in this photo is my very own Rainbow Moonstone - it flashes so much inner fire, it's exquisite! The best part is that I … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 25 of 33)
I'm honouring my "highway Angels" tonight... After a wonderful celebration get-together with my family in the city, I drove back very late... It's a one hour drive to the house and once I was nearing the highway, I realized how tired I was... Well, every single time I've felt like this (a handful of times in almost 2 years),... somehow, a semi truck ends up driving ahead of me. I end up having all the lights on the back of the box leading my way so I don't nod off and stay safe on the … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 24 of 33)
This is definitely the longest icicle I have ever seen on a house!... As I marvelled at its length, and the row of icicles bordering the roof, I was reminded of the amazing properties of water... Water is the only substance on our glorious Mother Earth that can take the form of a solid, a liquid and a gas. As a solid it can be as immense as glaciers, or as intricate as snowflakes... As a liquid it can be as powerful as the ocean, or as delicate as dew drops... As a gas it can be as … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 23 of 33)
A certain special magick was felt and experienced today... from many sources!... This is one example... Through a series of synchronicities, I ended up being entered in Home Heart Hawaii's special draw for an art print by my dear Soul Sis Eva Annaluna... and the draw was to be performed by Amber, the beautiful feline resident. I had commented on the post that if I won, I'd come and get my prize in person!... a bold statement, but we were 15 in the draw. All names were written on … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 22 of 33)
We each have a soul language unique to us and "sign posts" that appear along our journey to let us know we're on track. One of these "sign posts" for me are feathers - especially rare ones or those that show up in unusual ways. I have an armoir in my creative space that I use for stationary and art supplies. Although I had completely cleared out its drawers and even dusted inside them a few weeks ago... to my delightful surprise, I found 2 lovely little feathers tucked in a corner when I … [Read more...]