I woke up this morning to find a beautiful masterpiece that was created literally overnight in my living room!... by a tiny spider!... The sun is already shining so bright in the morning now through the window - it lit up this perfect spiderweb with its creator perched in the center. What a surprise! I could imagine what many people would do... but I admired it a while, appreciating the skill spiders have to create such finely detailed webs. Truly amazing. Since it wasn't in the … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2013
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 27 of 33)
As I paused during my sunset hike this evening, I was amazed when I realized that there was NO WIND... we've had such windy days this Winter (the wind sounds like waves of ocean surf in the surrounding trees)! But this evening... a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e stillness... As I silently stood motionless and simply observed, knee-deep in the snow surrounded by forest trees,... I realized I could hear chickadees, a nuthatch and grosbeaks far away on the other side of a field... and the clouds above me were so … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 26 of 33)
Diversity!... wow, can you just imagine, for one moment, if we did not have diversity in our world?... What a Divine gift it is for us to have diversity... in souls, bodies, personalities, talents, voices, laughter, landscapes, ecosystems, wildlife, trees, flowers and other plants, bird songs, foods, colours, textures, music, dance, art, architecture, seashells, stones and crystals, fabrics, creative expressions, clothing, inventions, cultures, languages... we are so abundant in … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 25 of 33)
Our precious HEARTS... Every day I connect with so many beautiful souls through the heart. How blessed we are! Our hearts are priceless, not only in their rhythmic beats that sustain our life, but also in their infinite wisdom - that "inner knowing" directly from our Divine source that guides us on our paths, and our capacity to love to such great depths... Within our hearts we find everything that exists and through our hearts we can connect with all that exists. So many great … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 24 of 33)
The glorious Sunrise and Sunset that hug each of our days... Every one is so beautiful and unique... creating our day, and creating our night... Clouds transform them into colourful scenes that change before our eyes and even cloudless skies are rich with colours... They're a Divine wonder to behold and fill my heart with appreciation... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 23 of 33)
Nature in all its magnificence... During my hike today, I marvelled at how the trees already have tight little buds on every branch, just waiting to burst in Spring when the sap starts flowing again! Although the season of Winter here is typically extremely cold (as it is this year!) especially in January and February,... these little buds are already fully formed in preparation for warmer weather to come, and remain dormant throughout the coldest months. They seem so delicate, yet they … [Read more...]
♥ MIRACLE OF THE DAY ♥ (Day 22 of 33)
Adorable little Chickadees!... On another extremely cold -30C day (not counting the windchill factor!), these beautiful little birds were singing their cheerfully sweet mating calls this morning! They are such a joy to behold, doing acrobatics in the trees and on the snow, calling out to each other - regardless of the season. I so appreciate that they don't migrate south for Winter. They add such flutters of joy to this quiet season... even when the days are at their coldest! They are … [Read more...]