
Welcome to my blog “Nature & Spirit”!

In this space I feature topics that have generated great interest in those I’ve connected with over the past years through my e-newsletters, social media and in person conversations. 

Like Nature, change is inevitable when we commit to our sacred paths of personal growth. And so, my blog has also evolved along with me, my website and e-newsletter. 

I write and share from inspiration, not from “should-ing”, so I don’t have a committed blogging schedule. 😉   

With the launch of my new website on July 2014’s New Moon, I restarted my blog with new categories (listed below). My older posts are dated April 2014 going back to November 2012.

Feel free to navigate at your leisure – you never know what you might be guided to read on a specific day! Many of my past posts are just short “Miracle of the Day” sharings.

New blog categories:

      • Guidance & Insights
        (I provide information received from Spirit, Nature and my personal experiences, to assist, inspire and empower you on your unique path.)


      • Nature Experiences
        (I describe things that enchant, captivate, intrigue, and leave me in awe while in Nature. Many of my past sharings have created shifts in perspective and evoked memories in my readers, which then ignited greater joy and wonder of our world, expanded self-awareness and a deeper trust of their own wisdom.)


      • Mystical & Divine Flow Experiences
        (I describe manifested heart desires and encounters that defy logic, including the magickal, the miraculous and divine orchestrations, for the more we notice and acknowledge it, rather than dismissing it, the more we experience it.)


      • Synchronicities & Signs
        (I describe current examples of these simultaneously fun, fascinating and empowering manifestations that continuously guide us on our paths – they provide encouragement, reassurance and guidance in all environments and can be beautiful, humourous, astonishing and are always divinely timed.)


      • Perspective-Shifting Facts of Nature
        (I share fascinating aspects about different beings and environments of Nature, since they’ve always generated “wow” from readers and it instills greater appreciation for those we co-exist with on Mother Earth.)


      • Nature Teachings (VIDEOS)
        Throughout my life, Nature has been my most important teacher. All we have to do is open our minds and hearts to Nature, to receive the wisdom, guidance, love and support that is always available to us. In these videos I feature special guests of Nature, to share their wisdom that can powerfully assist us, as human beings, with our everyday lives.


      • Favourite Quotes
        (I love quotes relating to Nature and the mystical, and here I elaborate on the personal significance of the one I feature, from personal experience – specific quotes “grab” us, because they resonate with our personal truth!)