
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

The dance of the seasonal cycles... The Winter Solstice arrives at 11:11 am CST in the northern hemisphere in my time zone tomorrow, December 21st! Talk about an incredible portal opening up for the new season!... I will be limiting my time online tomorrow, to be fully present to that significant day. In celebration of the changing seasons I'm sharing a poem I wrote in 2010 for my first book "Mending Mother Earth with Native Plants". May the new season bring you more wonders, beauty and … [Read more...]


The nurturing energies of lakes and similar water environments... I greatly enjoy silently moving upon the surface of a calm lake in a canoe or kayak at sunrise or sunset... The environment feels so peaceful and we can glimpse and sense what isn't otherwise available during the day... Like all bodies of water, lakes represent places of mystical and feminine energies, like portals to the spirit world. Many cultures of past and present speak of how they facilitate travel to other … [Read more...]