
If you feel restless or bored, dive into the unknown!…

Nature is ever-changing. Every day offers something completely new... There's a different sky, different weather combinations, different nuances to the environment, different sounds... Changes are always in motion... There are different seasons, different cycles of the moon, different phases with day and night, the tides flow in and recede, the humidity of the air fluctuates... Nothing is ever boring or repeated in Nature.   Change is a natural and crucial part … [Read more...]

Resources for interpreting your soul language (personal essence signs)…

This has been such a prominent inquiry this past week, that I've decided to post a reference here (as I'm sure many more are wondering the same thing!). I thank all of you who have asked so that this may serve many more. So how do you interpret the significance or meaning of your personal essence signs and language? What does a sign mean for you when you receive it?  What is its message? It's important to keep in mind that we're all so unique, and therefore every sign can mean … [Read more...]

♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Our multi-dimensional world... So much beauty and wonders exist beyond what we normally perceive in this physical dimension... We can perceive it with our many other senses - the intuitive, spiritual senses of sight, hearing, feeling, knowing, etc... Once in a while though, our technology captures things that our physical sight didn't notice, and while our logical minds quickly dismiss these captured wonders as mere light reflections or other explanation... we just KNOW that it … [Read more...]


Bridges of sacred energy between Earth and Sky... Trees have always held a prominent place in spirituality from ages past, one of the best known being the Tree of Life. They are firmly rooted into Mother Earth and extend their limbs high up into Father Sky. They're like bridges between the worlds of the physical and spirit. A Red Pine tree once taught me that they radiate immensely healing energy because they're channels of the sacred energy that flows between the two worlds and … [Read more...]