
BUTTERFLY teaches: Chaos has a Sacred Purpose [video]…

In general, chaos is seen as something that destroys rather than something that creates. It's viewed as something synonymous to negative rather than positive. Chaos in the way that I define it in this blog post and video, is any experience that challenges you through an unexpected or difficult change of routine, lifestyle, home, relationship, identity, security, etc. It requires that you stretch beyond what feels familiar and comfortable to you.      I don't know … [Read more...]

BURSTING BUDS teach: It’s all Perfect for YOU [video]…

If you sometimes feel... frustrated with a personal experience... impatient or "stuck"... or find yourself comparing with others... or "should-ing" yourself a lot... or feel like giving up... This post might be a breath of fresh air for you! I invite you to pause your life for a moment, take a long full inhale and exhale... and know that everything you are and that you're experiencing, is divinely perfect. It has purpose, far greater than you can perceive at this … [Read more...]