
Your unique path is so sacred and needed…

In this day and age, it’s so easy for people to judge a person’s path as either being a spiritual one or a less spiritual one. 

People have preconceived ideas of what a person’s life, job or work has to look like to qualify as being “spiritual” (based on perception).

However, we’re all spiritual beings by nature.

Every part of us is a journey to experiencing more of our divinity in its infinite aspects.

We can’t have rainbows with just one colour – every aspect of us and experience is necessary.

Each and every one of us has come here with a unique path that is not only spiritual but also sacred.

Arizona path

It’s not about meeting others’ expectations, but about choosing to follow our hearts’ guidance.

Our hearts invite us to live from a place of divine love, for ourselves and for others, so that our choices benefit many.

When we allow our hearts’ higher guidance to lead us, we live our sacred path, regardless what it looks like.

Not everyone is meant to publish a book, be on television, win a Nobel Peace prize, run a marathon, have a talk show, be a parent, be an entrepreneur, design clothes, be a surgeon, be a farmer, etc.

Each of our unique purpose is needed in this world as a necessary part of the greater whole. 

It’s easy to lose sight of this when we start comparing with others, but our hearts always know and remind us of our truth.

Regardless of what one does, you can just tell when it’s aligned with their truth, their purpose and their sacred path.

Whenever I’ve been travelling or just out in public, I can tell when someone is living their purpose, regardless of their “title”, for their spirits radiate joy and love and they enrich my own experience of life just by being who they are and doing the work they do.

Examples of this have been store cashiers, car rental agents, airline stewards, park employees and volunteers, owners and employees of restaurants, stores and non-profit foundations, artists, gardeners, the mailman, etc.

They all beamed with inner light.

It’s such a gift to be in the presence of those walking their divine path. Witnessing that always fills me with great joy.

We all have invaluable gifts to share with the world.

Your heart desires are the key.  

As long as we trust ourselves and the process of our desires and unique paths (no matter how it unfolds), we will live the life we’re meant to live here and be who we’ve come here to be. 

In doing so, we contribute to the greater whole in ways beyond what we can imagine!

Now more than ever, our world and our souls need us to embrace our inner wisdom so we can shine our unique brilliance. It’s the ultimate path to soul fulfillment. If you desire to deepen your trust in yourself and life, my book Sacred Possibilities can assist you.

If you let go of expectations from others and your own, had access to all the money and time possible – what would your truest heart desire be at this time?


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

Signature lucille

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