
The best benefits of a rainy day in Nature!…

By nature, people generally don’t get excited about spending a rainy day outdoors – especially if there’s wind included!

However, there are definitely benefits to doing just that (as long as you dress up accordingly so you don’t get cold).

Early evening as the sun was setting today, I went for my daily Nature hike in one of my favourite trails near Anchorage, Alaska. The weather has been so mild these past couple of weeks that all the snow has disappeared.

It was rainy and windy, with playful lower clouds turning pink where the setting sun could shine through. By the time I reached the park, it was drizzling with occasional big drops of rain.


AK forest floor


As I fully savoured my time in Nature, it inspired me to write and share with you the best benefits of spending time in Nature when it’s raining.

It might inspire you on the next rainy day to immerse yourself in Nature’s beneficial energy, regardless of the weather (especially if you live where the climate is rainy a lot of the time!).

Benefit #1: Very few people (if any at all) are venturing outdoors, so you have your favourite Nature spot all to yourself! You can fully enjoy alone time with Nature through silent observation and tune in without distraction. I didn’t encounter one person during my hike today.

Benefit #2: Nature’s colours are so vibrant and rich with the dampness. You see colours in the bark of the trees, on the forest floor, on stones and branches, that are not visible when everything is dry. It’s like seeing with enhanced vision – it’s so beautiful!

Benefit #3: The natural environment is like potent aromatherapy for body, mind and spirit. While there are always wonderful scents in Nature, the rain enhances the scents of the soil, plants, trees and the air itself smells so fresh with rain.

Benefit #4: The moist, clean air feels so good on the skin and with every inhaled breath. Its infusion of Nature’s energy makes it so therapeutic. 

Benefit #5: Less people means more wildlife, since the energy present is calm (as long as you’re in a relaxed state of mind). This evening, along with the occasional chickadees and grosbeaks, I had the pleasure of seeing a feeding moose! It’s the first time I see one on that particular trail and I heard him before seeing him. He was only visible once I reached a clearing between the forest where he was and the trail. We simply observed each other in silence for a moment, then I continued down the trail.

Benefit #6: If the sun suddenly shines through, you just might witness a beautiful rainbow. They love to show up when we least expect them and I have yet to meet anyone who doesn’t love the sight of a rainbow.

Benefit #7: It just might shift your perspective of rainy weather if you tend to dislike it. What you might have initially perceived as “blah” weather suddenly appeals to you and you’re able to enjoy Nature that much more. 🙂

If you could add anything to this list of benefits based on experience, what would it be, from your personal perspective? 


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

Signature lucille

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