
Receiving guidance in unexpected ways…

Being of Spirit and Nature makes life here on Mother Earth so multidimensional! 

It’s our trust in ourselves and the divinity of life that enable us to experience all that we’ve come here to experience, as well as to persevere through the challenges.

When we open ourselves to trusting our higher guidance (even if it defies logic), we notice how life is always aware of  us and assisting us.

We notice how much it supports us in so many ways, through personal essence (soul) signs, spirit guides, our higher spiritual senses, significant dreams, messages through various means, etc.

We’re never alone.


Over the years I’ve become well acquainted with Spirit’s infinite creativity, wisdom and sense of humour. One way that Spirit has been communicating with me the past year, and especially since I arrived in Alaska a few months ago, is through movies! It’s amazing and hilarious.

The funny thing about this is that I’ve never been one for watching television and rarely watch a movie. Then suddenly, I’ve been receiving incredible messages and signs though specific movies that I’ve been strongly guided to watch.

Again, I had to trust that I was receiving this guidance to even agree to watch these various movies.

Examples of recent movies I’ve been guided to watch have been “The Matrix”, “The Lord of the Rings – The Return of the King”, “The Messenger”, “Contact”, “The Last Samurai” and just last night “Noah”. 

The incredible thing about all these movies is that, while they’re all so different from each other… every one has a thunderstorm or lightning in it!!! I’ve always had a special connection with both and this is one of my significant essence signs. Seeing them appear in every movie is like a signature from Spirit for me. It’s uncanny.

The amazing messages that I’ve received through each of these movies have also been very specific to my own path. 

Last night’s movie “Noah” didn’t just have significant messages for me, but it also manifested two things I had desired to see.

I was so captivated by the beauty of the galaxy images in the movie “Contact”. While I do see them in my meditations, I desired to see it again with my physical eyes… and in “Noah”, my desire was granted.

I also had wondered about Raven and Rainbow. Those two are very special to me and also part of my own essence signs. When they appear together or on the same day within a short period of time, I know that Spirit is orchestrating something extraordinary for me.

I had seen them for a week almost every day, in various ways, and then a few days went by without me seeing them. So I simply had been wondering about this, without asking Spirit about it. Well, Spirit heard my wondering and provided me with… Raven and Rainbow in very prominent ways in that movie! It was so beautiful.

Our intimate connection to the Divine through energy in all forms is truly awe-inspiring.

Higher consciousness permeates all, beyond what we perceive.  

Life is always fully aware of us.

We’re always supported on our sacred paths in ways that are unique to each of us. When we’re able to recognize the sources of divine guidance within us and in our environment, it’s truly empowering.

Personal empowerment is crucial to living the life we’ve all come here to live, for each of our paths is so unique. It’s why I agreed to write my book Sacred Possibilities, as guided by Spirit, to provide ways for people to empower themselves immediately. 

Do you notice all the ways that you are divinely guided, as you navigate through your own life?


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

Signature lucille

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