
PINECONES teach: Powerful Truth of our Desires [video]…

As human beings we have the ability to look back on our life experiences.

This can be such a gift when we do so with awareness, for we’re able to discover patterns, “connect the dots” and see things from a greater perspective. We can see how much we’ve personally transformed, evolved, and experienced. It can also assist us in living more consciously in the present moment…

When we see the impact that every decision we’ve made, has had on the rest of our lives, we also become aware of how each of us is a co-creator in this immense web of life.

Each choice is a new thread that we weave in the greater whole. When we choose from our hearts (whether it’s easy or not), the benefits are multiplied, seemingly infinitely…

Looking back gives us the unique opportunity to see how incredible our heart desires truly are. Their potential is vastly beyond what we can envision.


AK Pinecone


In this video, pinecones beautifully share with us their impressive teaching about the true potential of our heart desires.

I also share a personal story that demonstrates this teaching. It’s a truly amazing story that weaves so many other unanticipated experiences of my life in incredible ways. However, to simplify things in the video, I only shared a very short version of the story – just enough to serve as an example.

To fill in some of the “blanks” you might wonder about in the video, I will share a few more details of the basic story here…

I was raised in a French community near Winnipeg, Manitoba, smack in central Canada, far from the oceans. The only French universities we were aware of beyond my native province were in Quebec (with a different grading system than the rest of Canada). So to suddenly discover one day, in just one conversation, a university that not only offered courses in marine biology that complemented my province’s learning system, but was also French, was truly incredible! It’s exactly what I required to manifest my greatest heart desire at the time (which I feature in the video).

Join me now, in a forest of the Chugach Mountain Range in Alaska, to spend a moment with a wise being, whose pinecone I borrowed for this video.



If there’s a desire within your heart that feels like it’s time to begin manifesting, I invite you to take a moment today to do something specifically related to this desire. One step that will begin to move the energy towards manifesting your desire into this physical world.

On New Moons (like today), the celestial energies also support you in doing this that much more.

And most of all, BELIEVE in your desire and know that it IS possible!

In all my manifesting experiences that span decades, knowing in my heart that everything and anything is possible, was the common thread.

Thank you for watching!

If you enjoyed this video and know others who might benefit from it, do share!

I also welcome your comments!

Note: If you’d like to read the incredible full version of my featured personal story (it also directly involves living in Costa Rica for 3 months, a whole decade later!), you can read it in chapter 8 of my book Sacred Possibilities (every chapter has personal stories that demonstrate the divine design of our heart desires and us as co-creators).

Believe in your dreams and don’t be afraid to dream BIG if that’s part of your path!


With great love and wonder-filled spirit,

Signature lucille




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  1. Such a wonderful video, Lucille! It made me realize even more, how manifesting my heart wish to travel to Hawaii and swim with dolphins, resulted in meeting my Soulmate and living in Hawaii, opening our spiritual retreat center…. To guide guests to swim with dolphins and live their dreams as well! Which has a ripple effect in their life, manifesting even more heart desires; like meeting their Soulmate, as you experienced yourself, yay!! 🙂 Life is Magical, thank you for sharing your magic! Warmest Aloha, Eva Annaluna

    • Mahalo dear Eva for your beautiful comment and heart sharing!

      Delighted to know you enjoyed this video! 🙂

      Yes, life truly is so magickal when we follow our hearts! And I LOVE seeing others, such as you, also experience the heart magick! In doing so, we fill this world with more beauty and love-light. Everyone benefits from this (far beyond what we can even know!).

      I also love having your beautiful dolphin presence here! My love for dolphins and whales is the reason I was enticed into studying marine biology in the first place at 18yrs old (which manifested the great desire I speak of in the video!)… SO clever, for it began a journey that rippled out in so many directions, the video would have been very long if I’d given the entire story! Grateful to Dolphin for being one of my lifelong spirit guides and power animal, and to you for bringing more people into direct connection with those magnificent beings of pure love! 🙂

      Much love and Aloha to you,
      Lucille DancingWind

      • So precious, mahalo for sharing, dear Lucille!

        And it’s amazing that the dolphins played such a significant role, planting seeds in your heart; for if it wasn’t for our love for dolphins, we would not have met each other, whilst swimming with our Ocean Family!! Another ripple effect with endless gifts flowing our way, rewards for following and manifesting our heart’s desires! 🙂

        Much Love!
        Eva Annaluna

        • Yes, so true dear Eva!

          Thank you for this beautiful sharing also. Connecting through the dolphins in 2008 has been such a divine gift!

          We’ve been given such precious gifts by having the courage to follow our hearts! It’s such a joy to see how the heart (and dolphin) magick keeps unfolding in such incredible ways! 🙂

          Big hug of love!
          Lucille DancingWind