
MOOSE teach: It’s our Hearts that Truly Matter [video]…

The immense power of our hearts’ energy is divinely infinite with potential! Each of us have within us, the key to this beneficial, transformational power!

I really missed recording Sacred Earth Connection videos this past (long) winter in Alaska, and then suddenly, “just like that”, I received the opportunity and inspiration to do so while hiking in Nature two weeks ago (the evening before the New Moon).

moose signed

My surprise encounter with a big bull Moose was pure magick!

The following week it snowed in abundance again, so I had to wait to be able to access an area to record the rest of the video. You can tell it’s a bull Moose by the bare patches above his eyes that clearly mark where his antlers used to be (amazingly, they shed them every winter!).

What this beautiful large Moose demonstrated is such a powerful reminder for all of us.

While I’m used to this type of interaction with wildlife on my own, it’s always even more special when I get to experience it with other people who also have harmonious energy. It just goes to show that we ALL have that gift within us!

Thank you for watching!

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I also welcome your comments!


With great love and wonder-filled spirit,

Signature lucille




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  1. Tanya von Zychlinsky says:

    Lovely Lucille,

    Thank you for this beautiful video and your shining Presence. What a wonderful reminder to be mindful of how we run our energies and to be out in nature more. Mr. Moose looks very handsome and I’m not at all surprised that he trusted the two of you. With great appreciation for you and your work, which the world increasingly needs and will long for.

    With beaming being and gratitude,
    Warm hugs and love,

    ox Tanya

    PS I LOVE that jacket and the jewelry you created, so one with nature and You – and Mr. Moose. Thank you for the poetry of your energy and words. They are clearly coming from Higher Mind through Sacred Heart. Love you.