

Life supports us every step of the way in many forms…

Wow… so many transitions are occurring with MANY!… we can barely keep up it seems!…

BUT, we’re not doing this alone and we’re not expected to either! …

I’ve been seeing so many beautiful dragonflies of all types and colours… they are also masters of transformational transitions and they do it with so much grace… From eggs, to aquatic nymphs to agile masters of flight – truly inspiring to see!

When you feel like you just might get flung off center into the winds of change, I invite you to take a moment for yourself and think about an animal that you highly resonate with.

Chances are this is a Power Animal/Spirit Guide of yours, here to support you.

Breathe deeply, connect with Earth barefeet if you can and simply let this benevolent allie support you on your journey…

At the moment for me, Dragonfly, Raven and Butterfly are present in great numbers…


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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