
Life lessons from ancient giants…

Many people feel wonder at the sight of a large and ancient tree, admiring his incredible size and beauty.

His age sets him apart from the younger ones, for he displays so much character, serenity and strength. 

However, it’s easy to disregard his very humble beginnings as a small seed. None of us can possibly imagine or know everything this giant went through to reach his impressive size and age, or to gain his great wisdom. Our own lifespans are but a fraction of this mighty being’s. His life is a miracle.


Giant Sequoia
While I’ve always felt a special connection with tree beings, especially very old ones, and I’ve met many of different species in this world, none have left an impression on me like the giant sequoias of California.

Their energy field alone is beyond wow. By meditating with certain individuals, I also learned about their multidimensional natures. I felt so privileged to be in the presence of those who stand in a grove of Yosemite National Park.

When I saw how small the pine cones of these mighty beings are (a perfect fit inside the palms of my small hands), I was rendered speechless. I was filled with such awe and great love for the divinity that resides in each of those tiny seeds within – no larger than peppercorns!

Most of the living giants I encountered were over 2,000 years old, over 200 feet high and over 100 feet in circumference!

Most also beared evidence of forest fires. On average, the sequoias experience such a fire every 20 years or so… that’s a lot of fires they have endured and survived!

Some displayed incredible endurance, still standing mightily, with up to half of their trunks hollowed out by the fires, marked by burns and scar tissue on the rest of their bodies.  

They have not only endured forest fires, but have also weathered through countless seasons of storms and droughts.

By going through these challenges and surviving them, their ability to withstand anything at this point is truly awe-inspiring. Every ordeal has made them more resilient as they kept growing stronger roots and bodies, encouraged by these seemingly adverse conditions. They were in fact necessary, to ensure that they reach such a great age.   

Every one of us is just as miraculous with the potential to reach our greatness. We have everything we need to do so. It’s our nature to keep expanding into who we’ve come here to be on Earth. The only difference is that we have free will. It’s entirely up to us how much of ourselves we desire to experience.

As long as we trust ourselves and the process of our heart desires and unique paths, no matter how challenging it can be at times… we will become who we’re here to be and we’ll naturally do what only we can do, offering our unique presence to this world.  

Now more than ever, our world (and our hearts) need us to embrace our inner wisdom and shine our unique brilliance, especially in the face of adversity.

It’s the ultimate path to fulfillment and our reason for being here at this time on Mother Earth.

What burning desire do you feel within your heart, like a divinely planted seed, that is inviting you to embark on a journey to fulfill it?


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

Signature lucille

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