
Everyone wins!…

According to dictionary(dot)com, “competition” can be defined as: “The act of competing, rivalry for supremacy, a prize, etc.”

Yesterday’s Full Moon felt very special to me and this was one of the reasons…

It was the perfect day to do a ceremony in Nature, for a special contest I offered only to my e-newsletter subscribers. They had a chance to win a signed copy of my book Sacred Possibilities 

The contest was launched on the New Moon and yesterday was the big day for the draw.

The best part for me about this contest was… I not only got to connect more with those of my Sacred Earth Connection circle who participated, but… everyone was also a winner! Now that is my kind of “competition” – it felt so good to my heart and spirit!


Book draw contest 3

I’ve never enjoyed competitions of any kind and I know how precious time is to all of us.

So, I desired to give a gift of appreciation to those who not only entered the contest, but who also took the time to answer every question that was part of the contest entry process. Each answer counted as one entry, so the more questions one answered, the more chances one had to win!

Well, lo and behold, my heart desire manifested in the most beautiful way!

A week after I launched the contest, I received a surprise with my book signing/marketing materials from my book publisher. It was a package of beautiful, laminated plastic cards with my book cover on one side, which are free e-book downloads!

I had no idea I would be receiving those as part of the package, but I instantly knew what purpose they would serve. I was now able to reward everyone who entered the contest if they didn’t win the grand prize (since everyone answered all questions!)! Divinely perfect!

And so, infused by the Full Moon’s energy, I charged the cards and my book copy in Nature, directly on the Alaskan soil between the roots of a giant double-tree cottonwood. I then placed all the names of the contestants inside my sacred frame drum.

It felt so special to have names of people from so many different countries and continents inside my drum. A sacred circle. After rhythmically shaking the drum gently like a rattle for a while, I then picked a name.

I believe in collaboration, co-creation and harmonious co-existence that creates and benefits community (with all forms of life!). This is the opposite of the old paradigm of competition that benefits only one or very few.

When our inspired actions benefit others as well as ourselves, the energy flows and ripples out infinitely, in a divinely guided way, benefiting so many more than we could ever imagine. For example, I still see the beneficial ripple effects of heart-guided choices I made over two decades ago! I had no idea at that time what effects those choices would have years into the future.

What’s one heart-centered choice you made or inspired action you did in the past, which still reveals its beneficial ripple effects to you?    


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

Signature lucille

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