
PUSSY WILLOWS teach: Nature Gives Personal Messages [video]…

One of countless things I absolutely LOVE about Nature, is that you just never know what surprise awaits you to discover it!

This is especially fun when you ask Spirit and Nature for a message, releasing it with love and appreciation and opening yourself to simply allow whatever is meant for you to receive!…

I recently did that and the result really “blew me away”! While I’m always humbled with wonder at the amazing and powerful messages I receive through the infinite beauty of Nature, this particular one really stood out for me and I knew it was meant to be shared in a video.


pussywillows closeup signed


Due to the weather and other things I’ve been working on, it took another week for me to be able to return to that location with my camera to record this video. I decided that if the fuzzy buds of Pussy Willow were still on the tree when I returned, then I was meant to share it, and they were. So here it is for you!

It was by far my most “adventurous” video to record so far, due to the close proximity of the parking lot and only highway that runs along that peninsula (high traffic in vehicles, people and dogs!), along with wind and some rain! But when I feel the calling and inspiration, I just have to go with it!

In the video, I mention an absolutely amazing surprise I received and I chose not to get into details in the video, for it would have been much longer. So I’ll mention a few things here that will give you a better idea of why this was such an unexpected but highly significant gift for me to receive…

The invitation gift came from someone I had been guided to meet for the first time on the New Moon only two weeks earlier through my husband Michael (they’d known each other for two decades). We unexpectedly connected immediately and so many synchronicities showed up, it became clear that we’re soul family.

Michael and I had also been noticing how California has been calling to us, as the location on Mother Earth to have our permanent place of residence, and I’d been feeling a desire to answer that call now, to walk barefoot on the land and see what it has to tell me about our “home”… but California is huge! So I was simply observing, open to guidance as to where exactly I needed to “land”.

So when I suddenly received this invitation “out of the blue” to spend time at this location I’d never heard of in California, the day after I received the messages in Nature (mentioned in the video), it felt profound – so divinely guided! Plus, this is the kind of invitation I just couldn’t say no to (not without always wondering “what if?”). So now both Michael and I are very intrigued to see what awaits me at that specific location, for I’ve learned throughout my life experiences that there’s ALWAYS more than what it seems!

Even though I’ve been living this way for ages it seems, every new wonder I discover in Nature, every new message I receive from Spirit through Nature, and every new magickal manifestation I receive, fills me with absolute awe and immense love and appreciation for the divine support we have, as we walk our paths of life! 

Spirit and Nature are always full of surprises and infinite support!…

Join me now to discover the messages I received during that particular Nature hike, foretelling the surprise I was about to receive.

You’ll also discover what lesson and invitation Nature and Spirit have for YOU!…



Thank you for watching!

If you enjoyed this video and know others who might benefit from it, do share!

I also welcome your comments! 


With great love and wonder-filled spirit,

Signature lucille



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