

Gaia’s relationship with Luna… celebrating our “Supermoon” Full Moon!…

Its official time depends on your location, but regardless, this Full Moon will appear brighter and closer than usual tonight and tomorrow night. Due to its elliptical orbit around Earth, its distance varies along its course, and so this Full Moon IS closer to Earth than during the rest of the year – hence the term “supermoon”. Its effects will be greater because it’s close AND a Full Moon.

Anyone on or within Earth is affected by her relationship with our Moon… there’s no escaping that.

We’re not in a “bubble” that excludes everything else in the universe – we’re intimately connected.

A few examples of researched and visible effects…

The Moon’s gravitational pull not only causes the high and low tides on the surface, but also a lesser known tidal effect within our planet, creating more earthquakes when the Moon is closest to Earth and within a day of a New or Full Moon. Research has also shown that the Moon affects the weather, plants and animal behavior (including growth, mating and feeding habits).

For anyone aware of his or her natural environment (external and internal), lunar effects are noticeable.

Our relationships, regardless with who it is, co-create our life as we know it on Earth… ♥


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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