
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Life bursts forth!…

Regardless of anything… life always prevails in the most miraculous ways!… and today I was reminded of this once again…

During my Nature hike today, it felt SO NICE to not have to wear a scarf around my face, and to experience a day that feels more like Spring than Winter!…

As I walked through the snowbound trails, I noticed the most amazing surprise… Despite having experienced the coldest Winter season in 100 years (with incessant storms every few days!), as soon as the weather shifts… life bursts forth!…

Surrounding me were trees with their branches full of tight little buds anticipating Spring and some actually burst open to reveal brand new little leaves thanks to the very mild weather yesterday and today!!!… I was in awe… (see photo)

The pulse of life keeps beating even under the harshest conditions… ♥


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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