
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Divine timing…

There IS such a thing as divinely perfect timing, regardless who we are or what our paths require of us…

No matter how impatient we might feel at times, having that higher awareness and wisdom from experience allows us to enjoy the journey that much more…

We just know when we’ve reached that divine timing because things just fall into place with the least amount of effort. We just have to trust and go with the flow…

Just like these beautiful nestlings in the photograph… These little barn swallows are SO eager to fly like the adults they see every day, bringing food to them… However, their bodies are not quite ready yet and if they decide to leap out of that nest a moment too soon, they won’t experience the full potential of what awaits them… The result will be less than desirable…

If you’re feeling restless in any way at this time, trust your heart and allow the process to unfold in wisdom…


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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