
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

The gift of sacred stewardship…

As stewards of Mother Earth’s beautiful landscapes and all who inhabit these environments, we never know what an impact a simple act of love can do for others that we co-exist with… It doesn’t take much effort, yet the effect can be tremendous…

When I lived in the city many years ago, I used native plants (plants indigenous to the environment of the area, like prairie and woodland plants) in the landscaping of the yard instead of exotics. I chose these plants because they provided food for birds especially during migration (as seeds), butterflies, moths and hummingbirds (as nectar), dragonflies (as insects attracted to the vegetation) and the caterpillars of the butterflies and moths (as plant leaves). So many native plants have become scarce in their natural environment that this yard became an oasis in the middle of the city for local wildlife. Not to mention the plants were beautiful and self-sufficient (completely organic gardening). It created a naturally balanced habitat that I never anticipated. I saw more species of small wildlife in that urban yard than I saw while growing up in the country!… It was truly amazing and so rewarding to see the next generation of butterflies and birds benefit from this small yard.

Later at another home when I moved to the country, I recognized that there was an abundance of food for wildlife but no source of water close by. I decided to add a birdbath to the yard. Well, I was so amazed by how much wildlife used this birdbath! It left me in awe every day… It really became a local “watering hole”… Every day birds of countless species would come to drink and bathe and would actually patiently wait their turns to go in. Then squirrels and chipmunks would show up and have their turn. And I even had the surprise of a hawk and raccoon use it at some point! (I’m including a photo of the raccoon) It filled me with so much joy to witness how many benefited from this one bird bath that I simply rinsed out and filled up every morning – on hot days I did this twice daily.

Also, little things like picking up trash that might fly with the wind onto our properties, adding bird houses or bat houses for shelter in places where trees have disappeared and planting trees… Every little bit counts more than we can imagine and honours that sacred stewardship that we’ve all been given… ♥


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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