
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Ancient symbols of sacred geometry…

I never understood numerical sciences in school, however when I discovered sacred geometry years ago, that ignited me in a way that I hadn’t imagined…

It’s the numerical language of creation, and examples are found throughout Nature, including our own bodies (Leonardo da Vinci demonstrated this along with many other geniuses). Common sacred geometry symbols found in Nature are the spiral and the hexagon…

When I was in Hawaii I woke up one morning in June with a perfect hexagon mark on my index finger – like a maroon-coloured brand or birth mark. Yet, it didn’t hurt or itch, it was as smooth as my skin… it has recently faded to pink but I still have it. So bizarre.

I felt guided one morning to look up the significance of the bee, and the first thing that came up in my search was interestingly… the significance of the hexagon! Like wasps, bees also have hexagon-shaped nursery and food cells or chambers (the bees have honey combs). I discovered that this ancient symbol of the hexagon actually represents the heart (!).

It’s so symbolic as we return to being more heart-centered as humans – letting love lead. Since acquiring this mark, I’ve been seeing hexagons everywhere in the most unusual places, in Nature and man-made. Ancient symbols speak to us across time and space… ♥


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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